Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Not quite at Casey Station yet!

Well we have all arrived safely by plane at the American McMurdo Station in Antarctica however due to the weather we have been delayed for a couple of days. We hope to be flying  out to Casey Station in the next couple of days and will keep you posted. For now we are in the "transit lounge"!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

We are finally on our way!

Unfortunately due to the bad weather at Casey Station, we were delayed in our departure. The new departure time was at 1900 hours on Sunday 28th Oct 2012. So for our final days in Hobart the tradies and I decided to grab the "free" museum bikes in Hobart and cruise around town. At about 4pm we were notified by text message (around Sandy bay area) and  we were given the go ahead to meet at the airport for departure! Excellent news we are all so excited at the prospect of finally heading to Casey Station!
Glenn, Luke and Cam ready for breakfast at Battery Point.
Very cool initiative from the Tas Arts.  They provide free "Art Bikes" for people to borrow to cruise Hobart and check out all of the art exhibitions, or maybe a couple of pubs.
A perfect spring day in Hobart.  Please note the bike with the pink mudguards is Glenns, the manly plant operator from the Gold Coast.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hurry up and Wait

It is the 25th of October and we are all kitted, trained and ready to head South.  Pre departure training and flight briefing concluded today with a reasonable amount of nervous energy buzzing around the room.  Tomorrow night I will be one of fifty five expeditioners flying down to the US base McMurdo Station on the Australian Airlink A319, then transferring onto a couple of C130 Hercules to fly to my home for the next five months, Australia's Casey Station.