Monday, January 21, 2013

Bergs off the Starboard Bow!

Life at Casey station is starting to return to normal after the couple of hectic weeks of resupply and the new winter expeditioners starting to find their feet.  Groups are starting to get off station on the weekends trekking and skiing into the distance to get a taste of the real Antarctica.  The summer melt is in full swing with huge streams of melting snow and ice scouring the continent searching for a way to the ocean.  These streams limit what vehicles can be used for weekenders so the expeditioners look elsewhere for their ice fix.  With a few keen skippers and a couple of IRB's laying idle, Saturday afternoon was an opportune time to hit the water and enjoy a berg cruise.  So I'll let the photos tell the story.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant pics, I guess for me that's what I have always imagined Antarctica coast to be all about. The colours are sensational and I suppose live they are many and varied. It also adds a better understanding of one of Paul Keating's smart quips about a certain politician being "all tip and no iceberg".....
