Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Playtime - Main Course

Last Sunday was a warm up to this weekends demanding travel itinerary.  A plan was hatched mid week for a group of skiers to head out to the Mitchell Peninsula on Saturday afternoon, pitch some polar tents and camp out in the wilderness.  Camp, I hear you ask and it was what I was asking myself as we set off attempting to ski and tow sleds out from station and up the hill towards Kenny, our goal for the night.

Matt, Cam, Brent, Dean, Bec and Dan enjoying a well earned rest.
The weather was playing nicely again with absolutely perfect conditions for trekking across the countryside.  The group dragged their way uphill for approximately three kilometres then enjoyed another five kilometres of undulating terrain in and around the Mitchell peninsula to arrive at the campsite for the night at about 7.30pm. 
Camping Antarctic style at Kenny.

A couple of pre dinner drinks were enjoyed by the group while Brent took on the role as master chef.  After dinner everyone continued to lap up the perfect windless conditions to watch the sun dip, as it will not set until late January over Antarctica.  Bec produced a fantastic gourmet dessert which was devoured as the weary travellers mellowed, sat back and absorbed the scenery.

 Young Cam ripping it up.

Snow baseball anyone?

The morning arrived quickly with everyone waking rejuvenated after sleeping well in their comfy polar tents.  After a quick stretch to ensure all of the moving parts were still able to, the party backed up the tents, loaded the gear back on the sleds and proceeded to enjoy the three hour return ski back to station.
Happy days.

1 comment:

  1. Photos are amazing Dean keep them coming!

    Are you gearing up for Christmas? What are the plans at Casey?
