Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Playtime - Entree'

The weekends are a busy time at Casey station where most people work until 1pm on Saturday then the minds turn to R&R with many of the punters looking to get off station.  Last Sunday a group of intrepid travellers braved the snow showers engulfing the Clark Peninsula and headed out to ski to the old American station Wilkes, which is approximately nine kilometres from Casey.  Wilkes was handed over to Australia to manage in 1959, who then moved to their new station in 1969. 

Luke, Dean and Dr Nick in another snow shower.

The group donned their survival packs and skis and headed out onto the powdery surface.  It had begun to snow at 4pm Saturday afternoon would not stop until we had completed our round trip so the surface felt like you were sliding your skis through marshmallow.  The visibility was poor though the atmosphere with the snow swirling around you was quite mesmerising.  Two and a half hours later the party arrived at it's destination, the Wilkes Hilton, complete with complementary bath robes and slippers.

Louise and Colin (the penguin gurus), who were using Wilkes as a base for their research, were very hospitable welcoming in the weary travellers with a warm cup of tea and a couple of Tim Tams.  After a quick rest and a warm up around the unlit wood fire, the skiers again braved the elements and shoosed off into the great white.

Dr Sheri happy for some respite at Wilkes.

The snow had settled down and was becoming firmer and more predictable under foot which made the return journey a more enjoyable experience.  The round trip took approximately five and a half hours and by the beaming smile on the faces of the skiers when they returned to Casey showed either they had experienced a cracker of a day or were just happy to have a hot shower.  Mine was a cracker!

Luke, Dan and Bec heading for home.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you all out and about. There must be so many different activities to cram into weekends. The vistas continue to be spectacular so keep 'em coming.
